7 Small Business Social Media Strategies To Focus On In 2018
A lot is changing when it comes to Small Business Social Media Strategies. What should you be focusing on?
In this post I break down 7 strategies that will help to move the needle in your business with content and social media – some of them more simple than you think!
It’s that time of year when I get asked a lot (a lot) about my predictions every year. I am no futurist (far from it) but I do keep an eye on what’s working, what’s starting to work and what’s new and shiny (but not necessarily a proven strategy yet).
So in this post, I wanted to share my tips for how to approach social media strategies in 2018 to get results. Some of the tips may seem obvious. But ask yourself, are you doing them? I bet (just a hunch) that you’ll find at least a couple of things in this list […]